Thursday, January 19, 2012

lol hi

i've got half the next story (finally family... sorta) posted on here as a draft and tomorrow is friday and stuff so i'll be finishing it most likely lol yaaaaaay.
i've also decided after i get my friend her birthday gift that i'll start saving for another bjd. i said i'd get taeyang black jack first but he's not so popular so I figure i've got time to get him. i just really want another bjd XD
well that's it.
i'm sleepy but i have homework lol me.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Just so you know, I'm not much of a blogger so I don't post a lot here lol. How have you all been? It's been kinda crazy here so I haven't had a lot of computer time haha. I'm uploading a photostory I made about three weeks ago so that'll be up tonigh. Also making a doll music video that should be kind of comedic and if time allows, we'll have another comedic one up haha. They'll include my guest dollies! Hopefully I can include them in a photostory planned after this one lol. Alrighty then what else?
Oh yes! BJD! Well I'm down $100 but my birthday is in less than a month and hopefully I'll order with that. My MIGHT allow me to just give him what I have and he pay the rest for my birthday lol. I just spent so much money shopping lately. I was so close to my goal before I bought it all!!! Oh well.
See you all later! :D

Saturday, June 18, 2011

updated bjd fund!(6/19/11)

Now saving for IM Model Iris! She'll have the Star Woman body though (transforming her from a 56cm SD to a large 64cm SD! woohoo!)
OH and I JUST checked - Shipping prices went down by about $6! That doesn't seem like much but going from $59 to $53 makes a huge difference in my eyes! ^-^
I only need $138! :D
I've got $20 in coins so I need to exchange that and then with some work I did for my dad over the past month or two he owes me around $60. Sooooo, $80 by the end of the week I believe. After that I'll just have to scrape up $58 some how and yay; BJD!! :D

Saturday, June 11, 2011

liv dolls.

Levannah - Customized SO Hayden(Eyes/Head modded for eye movement, new eyeshadow, IMN Hayden wig)
Rachel - Customized IMN Katie(Eyes/Head modded for eye movement, eyelashes, new eyeshadow, tattoo, handmade by me white faux-fur wig)
Evans - Customized IMN Hayden(Eyes/Head modded for eye movement, eyelashes, monroe piercing, tattoo, cut/styled SO Hayden wig)
Tyler - MW Jake(hair trimmed/restyled)
Rachel & Tyler

Thanx for viewing. Comments are appreciated. For all my dolls, please visit my flickr:
love you guys<3

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


holy crap i've been lazy.
soon enough, i won't be 0_0.
MiniFĂ©e ShuShu funds:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

lagging photostories?

i'm so sorry for not updating! i DO have photostories to post! will do later! pictures have been taken, i just need to put it on here. epic dramas for you guys =D

Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter!

(again, numbered pictures to comment on specific ones :) )
1) Ziff: "I LIKE CANDY" :D
2) Nori and her little purple bunny :3 A peep!
3) Valerie :) Her faceup now reminds me of a mix of Fanatica and Carol :x I really like it xD

 4) Keiko: "Happy Easter! I love you! :D"
Haruku: "I love you too... but that bunny thing is really creeping me out."
 5) Wait, where did Haruto get this bunny?
6) Ziff, "Hi Haruto! I got you this bunny :3 "
Haruto "Oh, um. Thanks."
Ziff, "You're Welcome! :D"
7) Of course these love-birds needed a photo :3
Happy Easter! †